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7 Delicious Ways to Add Calories to Your Smoothies

If you’re struggling to gain weight, fuel your workout, or simply enjoy a more satisfying meal replacement, knowing how to add calories to your smoothies is essential.

Adding calories to your smoothie doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or nutritional quality. Adding high-calorie ingredients can make a filling, healthy beverage that helps you achieve your fitness and health goals. 

From adding healthy fats like avocados and nut butters, to protein-rich ingredients like Greek yogurt and tofu, this blog will explore the best methods and ingredients for boosting the calorie content of your smoothies so you can get the most out of every drink.

Benefits of Boosting Calorie Content in Smoothies

Not everyone seeks to cut calories; some people, such as those involved in high physical activity levels, those with metabolic conditions, recovering from illness, or simply needing to gain weight, require a higher calorie intake.

Athletes, for example, burn many calories during training and competitions, requiring a diet that replenishes their energy stores. People recovering from surgery or illness may need extra calories to support healing. Those with naturally fast metabolisms or conditions like hyperthyroidism, cancer, or gastrointestinal disorders may also struggle to maintain a healthy weight and thus benefit from a higher calorie intake.

High-calorie smoothies offer many benefits for people needing to gain weight or meet nutritional needs.

1. Convenience: Smoothies are quick and easy to make. You can whip up a nutrient-dense meal or snack in minutes with a blender and a few ingredients. This convenience benefits busy people who might skip meals or opt for less healthy options. Whether on the go or simply pressed for time, smoothies offer a fast and efficient way to boost your calorie intake.

2. Nutrition: Smoothies offer an effective way to pack in various nutrients. By incorporating high-calorie ingredients like nut butters, avocados, and full-fat yogurt, you increase the calorie content and enrich your smoothie with essential vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and proteins. This approach ensures that the added calories come from wholesome, nutrient-rich sources rather than empty calories.

3. Taste: One of the smoothies’ greatest benefits is their versatility in flavor. By blending various fruits, vegetables, and high-calorie add-ins, you can create delicious and satisfying beverages tailored to your taste preferences. This makes consuming the additional calories you need easier without feeling like you’re sacrificing flavor or texture.

7 Delicious Ways to Add Calories to Your Smoothies

When it comes to boosting the calorie content of your smoothies, there are several healthy and natural ingredients to consider. These ingredients add calories and provide essential nutrients that promote overall health and well-being. Here are some ingredients to consider:

1. Nut butter and seeds

One of the easiest ways to add calories to your smoothie is by including nut butters and seeds. Nut butters like almond, peanut, and cashew provide a creamy texture and rich flavor while packing healthy fats, protein, and fiber. 

Peanut butter, for example, adds about 90-100 calories per tablespoon, almond butter provides around 98-100 calories, and cashew butter offers a similar amount with a smooth, buttery taste.

Chia, flax, and hemp seeds are nutrient-dense and add a subtle crunch and nutty flavor. Chia seeds offer around 60 calories per tablespoon, and help thicken the smoothie, while flaxseeds provide about 55-60 calories, and hemp seeds contribute 50-60 calories per tablespoon. These ingredients enrich your smoothie with omega-3s, fiber, and protein.

Blend in a tablespoon or two of nut butters or seeds with other ingredients to improve your smoothie’s calorie content and flavor.

2. Avocado

Avocados are creamy, delicious, and packed with healthy monounsaturated fats. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium and vitamins K and E. Avocado provides about 240 calories per cup. 

Scoop out the flesh of a ripe avocado and add it to your smoothie for a velvety texture and a nutrient boost.

3. Full-fat yogurt

Full-fat yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, and beneficial probiotics, providing 150-200 calories per cup. The fat content increases its creamy consistency and helps keep you feeling full longer. 

Rich in probiotics, full-fat yogurt promotes a healthy gut microbiome, helping digestion and reducing symptoms like bloating and constipation.

Add a cup to your blender with other ingredients. It works well as a base, providing a creamy texture and a slight tanginess that enhances the flavor of your smoothie. Choose plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt to avoid added sugars.

4. Coconut milk or cream

Coconut milk provides about 76 calories per cup, while coconut cream is much richer, offering 400-500 calories per cup. Both are high in healthy fats, mostly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can provide a quick energy source.

Coconut milk and cream also offer antimicrobial properties and support for heart health because of their healthy fat content. 

Add coconut milk or cream directly to your blender and other smoothie ingredients. For a lighter option, use coconut milk. For a creamier, calorie-rich smoothie, use coconut cream.

5. Oats

Oats provide about 150 calories per half-cup serving. They are a good source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and essential nutrients like B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. Oats are also known for their heart-healthy beta-glucan fiber, which supports digestive health and helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Oats’ fiber content promotes a feeling of fullness and sustained energy. They also support heart health and digestion, making them nutritious additions to smoothies.

To add oats to your smoothie, blend a half-cup of rolled oats with your other ingredients. Pre-soak the oats in water or milk for a few hours or overnight for a smoother texture.

6. Protein powders

Protein powders are a convenient and effective way to increase your smoothies’ calorie content and protein levels. They come in various types and flavors, allowing you to tailor your smoothies to your dietary needs and taste preferences.

Protein powders add 90-150 calories per serving, depending on the brand and type. They provide a huge protein boost, which supports muscle growth, repair, and overall recovery.

Common types include:

  • Whey protein: A fast-digesting protein derived from dairy, ideal for post-workout recovery. Try Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey, known for its high quality and variety of flavors.
  • Casein protein: A slower-digesting dairy protein that helps with sustained amino acid release.
  • Plant-based proteins: Options such as pea, hemp, and brown rice protein are suitable for vegan or dairy-free diets. For a great plant-based option, consider Vegansmart Naturade Plant-Based Vegan Protein Powder, which includes added vitamins and minerals.

Add one scoop of protein powder to the blender with other ingredients. Protein powders blend easily and work well with various fruits, vegetables, and liquids.

7. Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a sweet and nutrient-dense way to increase the calorie content of your smoothies. They add natural sweetness and a chewy texture that can enhance your smoothie’s flavor, provide quick energy, and help satisfy sweet cravings.

Dried fruits are high in calories and natural sugars. For example, a quarter cup of dried apricots or raisins provides approximately 80-100 calories. They are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, iron, and antioxidants, which contribute to overall health.

Add a handful of dried fruits to the blender with other ingredients. For a more even blend, you can soak the dried fruits in water for about 15 minutes before adding them to your smoothie.

Sweeteners and Flavorings to Enhance the Taste and Calorie Content of Smoothies

While natural sweetness from fruits is enough to satisfy your taste buds, you may want to enhance your smoothie’s flavor or add a sweet touch. Here are some sweeteners and flavorings that can increase the taste and calorie content of your smoothies:

1. Honey and maple syrup

Honey and maple syrup are natural sweeteners that add a delicious and distinctive flavor to your smoothie. Their high sugar content also provides a quick source of energy. However, it is important to use these sweeteners in moderation to avoid excessive sugar intake.

2. Vanilla and almond extract

Adding vanilla or almond extract to your smoothie can enhance the overall flavor profile and add a touch of sweetness. These extracts are calorie-free but can give your smoothie a delightful aroma and taste.

3. Cocoa powder

If you’re a chocolate lover, cocoa powder is a great addition to your smoothie. It provides a rich, chocolaty flavor and adds a boost of antioxidants. Choose unsweetened cocoa powder to keep the calorie content in check and avoid added sugars.

4. Spices

Cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger can take your smoothie to the next level. Not only do they add depth and warmth to the flavor, but they also offer several health benefits. Cinnamon, for example, has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels.

When using sweeteners and flavorings in your smoothie, start with small amounts and adjust to taste. Remember that a little goes a long way, so you don’t need to overdo it to achieve a deliciously flavored smoothie.

Tips for Creating High-Calorie Smoothies

The secret to creating a smoothie that will help you gain weight is adding ingredients high in protein, calories, and healthy fats. The following tips will help you create a smoothie that will support your weight gain goals;

1. Use calorie-dense ingredients: Focus on ingredients that are high in calories and nutrients. Include full-fat yogurt, nut butters, avocado, and protein powders. These ingredients add substantial calories while providing essential fats, proteins, and other nutrients.

2. Add healthy fats: Include sources of healthy fats such as avocados, coconut milk or cream, and nut butters. These fats increase the calorie content of your smoothie and help keep you full. They also improve the texture and richness of the smoothie.

3. Include protein: Protein makes your smoothie more filling and nutritionally balanced. Use protein powders, Greek yogurt, or silken tofu to boost the protein content. This helps with muscle repair and recovery, especially after workouts.

4. Choose high-calorie liquids: Instead of water or low-fat milk, choose calorie-rich liquids like whole milk, coconut milk, or almond milk. These liquids add calories and enhance your smoothie’s flavor and creaminess.

5. Blend in dried fruits and nuts: Dried fruits and nuts are excellent for adding extra calories and texture. Try including dried apricots, raisins, almonds, or walnuts to enrich your smoothie with additional calories and nutrients.

6. Experiment with flavor combinations: Don’t be afraid to mix and match different fruits, vegetables, and add-ins to find your favorite combinations. Ingredients like cocoa powder, cinnamon, or vanilla extract can enhance the taste while keeping your smoothie high-calorie.

Smoothie Recipes with High-Calorie Ingredients

Now that you’re familiar with the various ways to boost your smoothies’ calorie content let’s explore some mouthwatering recipes that incorporate these high-calorie ingredients. Experiment with different combinations and adjust the quantities to suit your preferences.

1. Creamy avocado and banana smoothie


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon nut butter (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds


  1. Combine the avocado, banana, spinach, almond milk, nut butter (if using), and chia seeds in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

2. Tropical coconut and mango smoothie


  • 1 cup frozen mango chunks
  • 1/2 cup pineapple chunks
  • 1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon shredded coconut


  1. Combine the frozen mango chunks, pineapple chunks, coconut milk, Greek yogurt, honey (if using), and shredded coconut in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

3. Chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
  • 1/2 banana
  • Ice cubes (optional)


  1. In a blender, combine the almond milk, chocolate protein powder, peanut butter, cocoa powder, banana, and ice cubes (if using).
  2. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour into a glass and enjoy!


You don’t have to sacrifice taste or nutrition to Boost the calorie content of your smoothies. By adding the right ingredients, you can create delicious smoothies packed with essential nutrients and energy. From adding healthy fats like avocados and nut butters to protein-rich ingredients like Greek yogurt and tofu, there are many ways to increase your smoothie game.

Remember to balance taste and nutrition by choosing high-quality ingredients and being mindful of portion sizes. Experiment with different flavor combinations and textures to keep your smoothie routine exciting and enjoyable. With these seven delicious ways to boost the calorie content of your smoothies, you’ll be well on your way to starting your day on a powerful and nutritious note.

So, grab your blender, gather your favorite ingredients, and get ready to sip, savor, and supercharge your smoothie experience. Elevate your mornings with these mouthwatering recipes and nutrition-packed ideas.